The power of letting go: creating space for clarity and balance

Letting go and making space. It sounds so simple. But it is not. It was one of my biggest learnings this year (well, the last couple of years): 

Over the past few years, one of my biggest learnings has been: “Sometimes letting things go is a far greater act of power than holding on.”

In many cases, it is not about doing more but about letting go of what no longer serves us. Think of it as decluttering your mind and self - just as you would declutter your home from time to time, like nature shedding its leaves.

My journey of letting go

In my case this was my non-exhaustive list:

  • Perfectionism

  • Fear of missing out

  • Caring too much about what others think

  • Relationships that I’ve outgrown

  • Binge-learning

Of course, I am not 100% there yet. Letting go is a continuous journey of self-mastery, where I strive to become more aware and act more consciously in line with my inner compass.

What helped me let go

Here are the key practices that have helped me in this journey:

  • Increased self-awareness: By journaling, meditating, and reflecting with my coach or peers, I have become more aware of my thoughts and feelings and the real consequences they have on my life - such as stress and imbalance.

  • Conscious action: I have learned to not identify with my thoughts, say no more often, be clear on my priorities, and show kindness to myself and others when things do not go as planned.

  • Embracing freedom and calmness: Experiencing the freedom and calmness that comes with letting go has been transformative. I have also found joy in sharing this process and teaching others how to let go.

Letting go for a better future

Letting go is one of the keys to gaining more clarity, structure, balance, and joy in life. As we approach a new year, ask yourself: What is no longer serving you? What will you let go of? And what truly deserves more space in your life?

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Christina Peters, Executive Coach

Wachstum ist nie bequem. Als Gründer:in oder Innovator:in stehst du vor der Herausforderung, aus Vision Realität zu machen – ein Business aufzubauen, das nicht nur skaliert, sondern wirklich etwas bewegt. Ich helfe dir, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und im Chaos gelassen zu bleiben.

Mein Ansatz verbindet Strategien aus Neurowissenschaften, systemischem Denken und über 10 Jahren Erfahrung mit DAX-Unternehmen im Aufbau von neuen digitalen Geschäftsmodellen. Es geht nicht um alte Spielregeln, sondern darum, deine eigenen zu schreiben.

Wirkung entsteht, wenn Mut auf Klarheit trifft. Bist du bereit, groß zu denken und mutig zu handeln? Dann lass uns sprechen!


A moment of reflection and intention for the year ahead


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