You can do anything, but not everything

The power of saying no

Early in my career, saying "yes" to every opportunity was a smart move. I gained invaluable experience by taking on challenging projects, traveling, and engaging in “extracurricular activities.” However, as my responsibilities grew, I realised that to perform well, I needed to shift from saying “yes” by default to saying “no” by default.

The importance of saying "No" for High Performers

This is especially crucial for high performers. You are often handed extra work because you excel at what you do and get things done. But over time, this approach can backfire. You may find yourself overwhelmed with busy work, feeling unfulfilled, and realising that you’re not a superhuman.

As Steve Jobs famously said, “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you have got to focus on. But that's not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”

How to decide when to say "No"

Next time someone approaches you with a task, use this simple rule. Ask yourself:

  • Is this my job?

  • Is something on fire, and only I can help?

  • Am I passionate about it?

  • Does it help me grow?

  • Can I make a difference?

If you do not get one or more “yes” answers to these questions, it’s better to say “no.” Your focus and energy are needed for the challenges that truly matter and help you grow.

Focus on what matters most

We need you focused and on fire to solve today’s challenges—the ones that matter and drive your personal and professional growth.

I’m curious: What are you currently saying “no” to because it’s stealing your focus?

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Christina Peters, Evolutionary Partner

Wachstum ist nie bequem. Als Gründer:in oder Innovator:in stehst du vor der Herausforderung, aus Vision Realität zu machen – ein Business aufzubauen, das nicht nur skaliert, sondern wirklich etwas bewegt. Ich helfe dir, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und im Chaos gelassen zu bleiben.

Mein Ansatz verbindet Strategien aus Neurowissenschaften, systemischem Denken und über 10 Jahren Erfahrung mit DAX-Unternehmen im Aufbau von neuen digitalen Geschäftsmodellen. Es geht nicht um alte Spielregeln, sondern darum, deine eigenen zu schreiben.

Wirkung entsteht, wenn Mut auf Klarheit trifft. Bist du bereit, groß zu denken und mutig zu handeln? Dann lass uns sprechen!


May I have your attention? How to close mental loops and improve focus


The clearest element wins