The liminal space: Transitioning from old to new self

Whenever we undergo significant changes in our lives, we enter a phase known as the liminal space - a term derived from the Latin word limen, meaning "threshold." This is the transitional space between the "old" self and the "new" self.

The discomfort of liminal space

In this uncomfortable in-between, you may feel compelled to move forward because staying in the old becomes too unbearable. You have outgrown your current role, yet the next step is unclear, and it feels like a rubber band pulls you back whenever you are not consciously moving forward. Your brain craves safety and the familiar, but this is not how you create a fulfilling future.

If you find yourself in this space - perhaps between career choices or seeking more impact and fulfillment as an entrepreneur - do not give up. I was in this exact place two years ago.

Steps to navigate your liminal space

The only way to reach your next level is to take it step by step: reflect, experiment, see what emerges, and embrace the discomfort - at least for a while. Eventually, the path will become clearer, and the pull of your purpose and the "new" will grow stronger.

🚀 How can you strengthen the pull of your purpose?

  1. Reflect on your story and gifts: Identify the patterns that make you feel alive and consider what the world needs. This is where a good coach can be invaluable.

  2. Develop options and experiment: Stay curious and "put your feet in the water" by exploring different futures.

  3. Set realistic goals: Take small, consistent actions and acknowledge your progress - it is easy to overlook how far you have come.

  4. Find an accountability partner: Partner with someone or join a journey team to keep you motivated when things get tough.

  5. Practice self care: Be kind to yourself. Engage in regular exercise and spend time in nature to stay grounded and get out of your head.

Embrace the transition to create positive impact

Big life changes are never easy, but they can be managed with the right approach. Build a system that helps you navigate your liminal space, connect more deeply with your purpose, and create positive ripple effects in your business and community.

The world needs more people who have come alive and are making a difference.

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Christina Peters, Evolutionary Partner

Wachstum ist nie bequem. Als Gründer:in oder Innovator:in stehst du vor der Herausforderung, aus Vision Realität zu machen – ein Business aufzubauen, das nicht nur skaliert, sondern wirklich etwas bewegt. Ich helfe dir, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen, die Zusammenhänge zu erkennen und im Chaos gelassen zu bleiben.

Mein Ansatz verbindet Strategien aus Neurowissenschaften, systemischem Denken und über 10 Jahren Erfahrung mit DAX-Unternehmen im Aufbau von neuen digitalen Geschäftsmodellen. Es geht nicht um alte Spielregeln, sondern darum, deine eigenen zu schreiben.

Wirkung entsteht, wenn Mut auf Klarheit trifft. Bist du bereit, groß zu denken und mutig zu handeln? Dann lass uns sprechen!


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