Christmas: A superb test for Conscious Leadership

How are you leading yourself and others under high levels of stress?

Let us be honest - Christmas is almost always stressful.

Everything needs to be perfect - the tree, the food, the presents, the outfit. Family gathers around, bringing with them all the emotional history and expectations - both good and bad.

What could possibly go wrong? Everything. And it often does.

This makes Christmas the perfect occasion to test your self-leadership and conscious leadership skills.

Leading with love or fear?

During the holiday chaos, do you lead from a place of love or fear? Do you operate with awareness or get caught up in drama?

When things do not go as planned, do you stay calm and curious, take responsibility, and communicate openly? Or do you snap and fall into the roles of victim, villain, or hero?

  • As a victim, you might feel sorry for yourself, overwhelmed by your to-do list, and start complaining.

  • As a villain, you may blame others for not doing their part or for ruining Christmas.

  • As a hero, you might pat yourself on the back for “saving” Christmas, believing that without you, nothing would get done.

Does this sound familiar? It happens to the best of us.

Recognising and shifting your leadership style

We are human, and our minds and bodies react under stress. We close off, get defensive, and want to be right. In conscious leadership, this is known as “being below the line.”

The key question is: Are you aware when you’re below the line? Can you accept it, maybe even laugh at it, and shift to a state of curiosity, openness, and learning?

Doing so could be one of the greatest gifts you give your loved ones this year.

Practice Conscious Leadership this Christmas

Christmas is a superb test for conscious leadership. Where are you today? Can you accept it? Are you willing to shift?

Enjoy the practice!

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Christina Peters, Evolutionary Partner

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